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간단한 E-mail Address 수집기(python)
* 이메일 주소를 왜 수집하지?
- 악성코드, 바이러스 등을 이메일로 유포하기 위해서 공격자는 이메일 주소를 얻을 필요가 있어
- 제일 간단하게 이메일 주소를 얻을 수 있는 방법은 검색을 이용하는 것이지
- 이 스크립트는 검색엔진에서 검색한 결과에서 이메일 주소를 파싱해서 출력해줘
- kitploit에 게시된 infoga를 일부 수정하여 만들었어
* 이용하는 검색엔진
- google, bing, yahoo, pgp 검색엔진을 이용하여 이메일 주소를 수집해
* 설치방법
- 이 스크립트를 실행하는데 필요한 패키지와 모듈을 먼저 설치하고
$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev $ pip install -r requires.txt
* 실행방법
- 이 스크립트를 다운받은 폴더로 이동해서 실행해야해
ex) python infoga.py -t naver.com -s google -o s ex) python infoga.py -i aaa@naver.com
- 예제의 입력인자에 대해 설명을 하자면
-t : 수집할 이메일의 도메인 -s : 검색 엔진 (google, bing, yahoo,pgp, all) -o : 출력 옵션 (s : 이메일 주소만 출력 / a : 이메일 주소와 메일서버의 정보 출력) -i : 입력한 이메일주소의 메일서버 정보를 출력
* infoga.py 소스코드
# infoga.py # from lib import Net from lib import Parser from lib import Colors from lib import Info from lib import Printer from lxml.html import fromstring from recon import * from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl import certifi import json import os import sys import getopt import socket import re import urllib3 import urlparse import requests class Infoga(object): ### Infoga Main ### def __init__(self,argv): self.argv = argv self.c = Colors.MyColors() self.i = Info.MyInfo() self.AllEmails = [] self.Option ="" def Usage(self): path = ((os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) print "Usage: %s -t [target] -s [source] -o [detail option]\n"%(path) print "\t-t --target\tDomain to search" print "\t-s --source\tData source: [all,google,bing,yahoo,pgp]" print "\t-o --option\tDetail option : [s: only email address ,a: add mailsever infomation]" print "\t-i --info\tGet email informations" print "\t--version\tShow version" print "\t--help\t\tShow this help and exit\n" print "Examples:" print "\t %s --target site.com --source all --option [a,s]"%(path) print "\t %s --target site.com --source [google,bing,...] --option [a,s]"%(path) print "\t %s --info emailtest@site.com"%(path) print "";sys.exit() def GetInfo(self): if self.Option == 's': for x in range(len(self.AllEmails)): Printer.MyPrinter().mprint("Email: %s"%(self.AllEmails[x])) elif self.Option == "a": for x in range(len(self.AllEmails)): Printer.MyPrinter().mprint("Email: %s"%(self.AllEmails[x])) data = {'lang':'en'} data['email'] = self.AllEmails[x] req = requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) req = requests.post("http://mailtester.com/testmail.php",data=data) regex = re.compile("[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}") ip = regex.findall(req.content) new = [] for e in ip: if e not in new: new.append(e) for s in range(len(new)): urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() net = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED',ca_certs=certifi.where()) res = net.request("GET","https://api.shodan.io/shodan/host/"+new[s]+"?key=UNmOjxeFS2mPA3kmzm1sZwC0XjaTTksy") jso = json.loads(res.data) try: self.sock = socket.gethostbyaddr(new[s])[0] except socket.herror,err: try: self.sock = jso["hostnames"][0] except KeyError,err: pass if "country_code" and "country_name" in jso: print "\t\t|_ %s (%s)"%(new[s],self.sock) print "\t\t\t|" print "\t\t\t|__ Country: %s(%s) - City: %s (%s)"%(jso["country_code"],jso["country_name"],jso["city"],jso["region_code"]) print "\t\t\t|__ ASN: %s - ISP: %s"%(jso["asn"],jso["isp"]) print "\t\t\t|__ Latitude: %s - Longitude: %s"%(jso["latitude"],jso["longitude"]) print "\t\t\t|__ Hostname: %s - Organization: %s"%(jso["hostnames"][0],jso["org"]) try: print "\t\t\t|__ Vulns: %s - Ports: %s"%(jso["vulns"][0],jso["ports"][0]) except KeyError,err: pass print "" elif "No information available for that IP." or "error" in jso: print "\t\t|_ %s %s"%(new[s],self.sock) print "\t\t\t|__ No information available for that IP!!" print "" else: print "\t\t|__ %s (%s)"%(new[s],self.sock) def Google(self): Printer.MyPrinter().nprint("Searching \"%s\" in Google..."%(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword))) Search = GoogleSearch.Googlesearch(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword)) Search.Process() Emails = Search.GetEmail() self.AllEmails.extend(Emails) def Bing(self): Printer.MyPrinter().nprint("Searching \"%s\" in Bing..."%(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword))) Search = BingSearch.Bingsearch(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword)) Search.Process() Emails = Search.GetEmail() self.AllEmails.extend(Emails) def Yahoo(self): Printer.MyPrinter().nprint("Searching \"%s\" in Yahoo..."%(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword))) Search = YahooSearch.Yahoosearch(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword)) Search.Process() Emails = Search.GetEmail() self.AllEmails.extend(Emails) def Pgp(self): Printer.MyPrinter().nprint("Searching \"%s\" in Pgp..."%(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword))) Search = PgpSearch.Pgpsearch(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword)) Search.Process() Emails = Search.GetEmail() self.AllEmails.extend(Emails) def All(self): self.Google() self.Bing() self.Yahoo() self.Pgp() def CheckUrl(self,url): o = urlparse.urlsplit(url) scheme = o.scheme netloc = o.netloc path = o.path if scheme not in ["http","https",""]: sys.exit(Printer.MyPrinter().eprint("Scheme %s not supported!"%(scheme))) if netloc == "": if path.startswith("www."): return path.split("www.")[1] else: return path else: if netloc.startswith("www."): return netloc.split("www.")[1] else: return netloc def Getinfo(self,email): Printer.MyPrinter().mprint("Email: %s"%(email)) data = {'lang':'en'} data['email'] = email req = requests.post("http://mailtester.com/testmail.php",data=data) regex = re.compile("[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}") ip = regex.findall(req.content) new = [] for e in ip: if e not in new: new.append(e) for s in range(len(new)): net = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED',ca_certs=certifi.where()) res = net.request("GET","https://api.shodan.io/shodan/host/"+new[s]+"?key=UNmOjxeFS2mPA3kmzm1sZwC0XjaTTksy") jso = json.loads(res.data) try: self.sock = socket.gethostbyaddr(new[s])[0] except socket.herror,err: try: self.sock = (jso["hostnames"][0]) except KeyError,err: pass if "country_code" and "country_name" in jso: print "\t\t|_ %s (%s)"%(new[s],self.sock) print "\t\t\t|" print "\t\t\t|__ Country: %s(%s) - City: %s (%s)"%(jso["country_code"],jso["country_name"],jso["city"],jso["region_code"]) print "\t\t\t|__ ASN: %s - ISP: %s"%(jso["asn"],jso["isp"]) print "\t\t\t|__ Latitude: %s - Longitude: %s"%(jso["latitude"],jso["longitude"]) print "\t\t\t|__ Hostname: %s - Organization: %s"%(jso["hostnames"][0],jso["org"]) try: print "\t\t\t|__ Vulns: %s - Ports: %s"%(jso["vulns"][0],jso["ports"][0]) except KeyError,err: pass print "" elif "No information available for that IP." or "error" in jso: print "\t\t|_ %s (%s)"%(new[s],self.sock) print "\t\t\t|__ No information available for that IP!!" print "" else: print "\t\t|__ %s (%s)"%(new[s],self.sock) sys.exit() def CheckEmail(self,email): if "@" not in email: sys.exit(Printer.MyPrinter().eprint("Invalid email!! Check your email")) self.Getinfo(email) def CheckVersion(self): sys.exit(self.i.Vers()) def Start(self): if len(sys.argv) < 2: self.Usage() try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(self.argv,"t:s:o:i:",["target=","source=","info=","option","update","version","help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: self.Usage() for opt,arg in opts: if opt in ("-t","--target"): self.Keyword = arg self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword) elif opt in ("-s","--source"): self.engine = arg if self.engine not in ("all","google","bing","yahoo","pgp"): sys.exit(Printer.MyPrinter().eprint("Invalid search engine!! Try with: all,google, bing, yahoo or pgp")) elif opt in ("-o","--option"): self.Option = arg elif opt in ("-i","--info"): print arg self.email = arg self.CheckEmail(self.email) elif opt == "--help": self.Usage() elif opt == "--version": self.CheckVersion() Netcraft.netcraft(self.CheckUrl(self.Keyword)).Run() if self.engine == "google": self.Google() if self.engine == "bing": self.Bing() if self.engine == "yahoo": self.Yahoo() if self.engine == "pgp": self.Pgp() if self.engine == "all": self.All() if self.AllEmails == []: sys.exit(Printer.MyPrinter().eprint("Not found email!")) else: self.AllEmails = sorted(set(self.AllEmails)) Printer.MyPrinter().nprint("All email found: ") self.GetInfo() if __name__ == "__main__": try: Infoga(sys.argv[1:]).Start() except KeyboardInterrupt,err: sys.exit(Printer.MyPrinter().eprint("Ctr+c...:("))
* infoga.py 실행화면
- 실행하면 얼마만큼 검색을 실시할것인지 입력을 받아
- 검색할 페이지 수를 입력을 하면 검색이 시작되고 검색이 완료되면 이메일 주소를 출력해준다
* infoga 소스파일