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인식제고 관리

정보보안 인식(Security awareness)

정보보안 인식 개요

Security awareness training is a formal process for educating employees about computer security.
A good security awareness program should educate employees about corporate policies and procedures for working with information technology (IT). Employees should receive information about who to contact if they discover a security threat and how to handle confidential information. Regular training is particularly necessary in organizations with high turnover rates and those that rely heavily on contract or temporary staff. Confirming how well the awareness program is working can be difficult. The most common metric looks for a downward trend in the number of incidents over time.

보안인식 훈련은 컴퓨터 보안을 교육하는 정식과정이다. 좋은 프로그램은 직원들에게 IT기술을 활용하는 업무에 대한 회사정책과 절차를 교육해야 한다.
[NIST 보안인식훈련 가이드 다운로드]

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